What it’s like to travel SOLO — Part 1

This is part one of a two parts story of my experience traveling by myself to London, UK. ( Have to be specific here, since there are more than one London in this very world. )
In part one (this article), all my thoughts of what traveling alone will bring you are listed below, with a brief quote for each one. In part two, I will dig deeper into each of them, walk you through my thoughts and journeys.
I recommend to pause and give some thoughts on each one, they are crafted with care. ( Its like people, the more you care, the more you see. )

Open your heart
Open-minded can help you think differently.
Open-hearted can help you feel differently.

Learn how to spend time with no one but you
Turn down the world, isolate all distractions, and Listen to your heart.
Once you know how to spend time with yourself, you no longer emotionally dependant to anyone.

See through Loneliness
“Loneliness isn’t feeling like you don’t really know anybody. It’s feeling like nobody could ever really know you.” — John Gorman

Inner Peace
When we have peace within, conflicts from outside will never penetrate.

The Unknown
Taste the excitement of exploring the unknown.

Ownership of time — Freedom
Own your time, own your life, own the journey of yourself.
Thats it for now, hope you enjoy it. Look forward for part two !