What its like to think and be different

Welcome to the 1st episode of my What It’s like series, this is not the most polished piece I produce, and it didn’t make it on time. My apologizes to those who are truly supporting me. There still a lot to learn, but I can ensure that it will only get better overtime.
That being said, thanks for giving me a chance to write and share, feel free to give me some Claps if you learn a thing or two from this.
Now, let the show begin !
Being different is because I don’t want to be labeled.
Since my high school life started in Canada 6 years ago, I started realizing there’s always a constant stream of stereotype and labeling being applied to me, just because of the way I look, speak and behaves.
Throughout the high school time, I have learned to respect, and treat others equally despite their race, age, background, personality.
But things started to change after graduated from high school 3 years ago, the feeling of resisting my own culture have been growing slowly from the deep down. Particularly the thought of breaking the stereotype of a typical mainlander.
Personally speaking, I have never been a fan of the word stereotype, especially when it becomes an excuse of judging someone without understanding what are they going through.
The thought of resisting to be labeled of have grown inside my head, oftentimes I would take an extra step to surprise others who already have a “default” image of who I was.
Overtime I grew to understanding that the key is to think and be different from the “normal”.
Be different takes ignorance of other’s opinion, and courage.
An opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement that is not conclusive - Wikipedia
Opinion is similar to stereotype, non-conclusive, non-constructive, not evidence base thoughts being said out load.
Opinion is cheap, usually those who is lack of understanding, have the loudest opinions. If someone comes with a good intension, they will have a constructive conversation with you, try to find out what’s the best decision to make for you.
Hence, stop holding back because of opinions of others, especially stop holding back from your true self. When you are aware of that and act upon it with courage, you will start building up self-confident. That is what It’s like to be different.
Think differently takes insight.
In order to think outside of the box, you have to first be able to there is indeed a box. Which takes experience, either life experience of yourself, or others. The former is basically what Be different will bring you, the later is what communication, interaction with incisive people gives you.
Once you have enough knowledge and insight, you can start connecting the dot between everything you know, then you can see what is outside of the otherwise invisible frame. To get out of what you familiar with, and try your hardest to explore other possibilities.
Mindset drives everything.
The most critical step of thinking and being different is one’s mindset, without a proper mindset, everyone will settle in the familiar, and never explore the unknown.
According the law of average, we are the average of 5 people we spend the most time with. Be sure to choose who you surround with wisely. Don’t let people drain your attention for granted, and let go of those are toxic from your life.
Instead, surround yourself with people who can empower you, be supportive and assertive of what you do. That’s what a friendship or relationship should be, lifting others up when they are down, and elevate together to become better together.
After all, someone might argue that they ain’t born to be different, but to fit in. Which I respect and do agree, as long as they have a clear differentiation between the fear of change, and their nature.
Being different might not be the best way to go for everyone, but it will bring invaluable experience to our lives.
Ask yourself, you want to be you, or everyone else?