What I 💚about uOttaHack2019

What I 💚about uOttaHack2019

What is uOttaHack2019?

A hackathon.

Okay it's more than that.

Quoting from uOttaHack's website.

Our mission is to empower students on campus to explore their passion for tech, through building a community of like-minded individuals who innovate and disrupt the worlds of business and technology.

"Disrupt" is the keyword there. ⚔️

1. It's the team that matters

How many times have we been blinded by the prize, but overlook the people around us?

Yes, we were there aiming for the biggest prize, but we were also there to learn, grow, and enjoy our 24 hours together.

Not to mention taking a break from the overload of school work.

Thanks for uOttaHack team organized the canal skating (not the shawarma eating contest)

Even though we were still steps away from winning, but we had a great time working together!

After all, unforgettable memory is always better than just a Github repo (so we did both) 😉

2. See what's possible

Pre-demo time

During our demo time, I was shamelessly asking around for presentations from other teams.

Turns out it was nothing but amazing work, that they managed to put together in 24 hours only!!

From contact-less blood pressure measurement to music synchronization website, there were a lot of surprises.

From first place winner to the most useless award (yep its a thing), ordinary is the last word I would look for in this hackathon!

Check out all the other projects here.

3. Talk the unusual

Through the diversity workshop organized by uOttaHack and Isabel, we have a chance to dig deep into problems that we ain't usually exposed to.

Such as gender diversity in the tech force, what does diversity mean to us?

This workshop provided us a platform for like-minded people to exchange perspectives in a safe environment.

More importantly, by shining some light on those topics, we can help to bring up awareness of the underlying problems in the current tech industries.

Our demo time (FYI: That banana at the left bottom is part of our demo)

Big shout out to my team, Julie, Lathan, and Zihan. We did great!!

Finally, being part of a hackathon is not an easy task by any mean, especially when you have to work straight for 24 hours.

But it's the journey that is worth remembering, all the goods and bads that we went through as a team!

Big fat thanks to uOttaHack Team, you guys made this possible! 🤙
And of course the puppies too 🐶 

Thanks Ashar for proofreading. All photo credit to uOttaHack team.