Launching the “What its like” series

Let’s start with a little context here, I am a 4th-year software engineering student at uOttawa, have been studying in Canada for 6 years by now. Originally from Macau and currently working at Bitesite as a co-op software developer.
Personally, I feel like my life have gotten interesting enough to share the journey with the world, for people who are going through the same situation to have an idea of what it’s like.
Since I’m not seeking any fame or glory with my writing, just for the purpose of seeking like-minded people, I hope all my readers can perceive what I say with an open-minded mentality, and discuss with honestly while having a common goal of seeking what is true.
Since nothing is perfect, especially in this increasingly polarized world, but I am a big believer in honestly + being vulnerable = great and deep relationships, thus I will be writing with my inner voice, no string attached, and 110% open.
“There’s nothing more satisfying than being loved for who you are and nothing more painful than being loved for who you’re not but pretending to be” — Neil Paricha from Happiness Equation
Getting to the main point of this article, I am launching the What it’s like series, which I will publish an article every other week with a different topic, the up coming article is What it’s like to think and be different scheduled at Nov 10th, 2018.
Looking forward all of you coming along with my journey 🎉