Leader v.s. Boss [Why we lead?]
![Leader v.s. Boss [Why we lead?]](/content/images/size/w2000/2020/03/emma-matthews-digital-content-production-O_CLjxjzN3M-unsplash.jpg)
I came across this great video the other day and sparked some thoughts on Leader v.s. Boss.
It's much more comfortable, more straightforward, less to concern when being a boss. They are only responsible for the result (a.k.a The money). On the other hand, being a leader is much more difficult. Not only they need to keep up the result, but also the Morale.
But what's interesting is that we are much more willing to follow a leader than a boss. Regardless of salary, workload or even career opportunities. Why's that?
Because bosses demand, but leaders (you guessed it) lead. Boss talks about what needs to be done and set expectations with no consideration of their people. On the contrary, leaders put themselves in people's shoes, offer helping hands and work together for a common goal.
Leaders are those who give us the feeling of belonging, knowing they got our back when time is tough, and they will work alongside us through challenges. They are those willing to put in the effort of building the Circle of Safety, to protect their people against outside forces.
Because of leaders, we feel safe being around with them, knowing they will nurture us and assist us in becoming someone better. They inspire us to work for something more than just ourselves, they gave us meanings of our work.
Leaders let us realize that we are not a replaceable gear inside a big machine, but the definition of it. They inspire and lead us to a better future. A future of humanity.